CEISO chose to have the efficiency and conformity of its Quality Management System evaluated and recognized by a third party for all its activities, according to the ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 standards.
CEISO designs and organizes training courses, within organizations and beyond, on topics related to Medical Devices and In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices. CEISO has received the Qualiopi certification for all its training actions.
CEISO is ISO 13485 certified by AFNOR Certification for the following activities:
CEISO is ISO 9001 certified by AFNOR Certification for the following activities:
CEISO has been Qualiopi certified for its training activities since January 2021.
Law n°2018-771 of September 5th, 2018 on the freedom to choose one’s professional future includes in its article 6, for organizations carrying out actions contributing to the development of skills based on a unique national framework, the obligation of certification by a third-party organization.
The Qualiopi certification aims to attest to the quality of the process implemented by providers of actions contributing to the development of skills. CEISO has chosen Qualiopi certification for its training services by a recognized certification organization and has been Qualiopi certified since January 2021.
CEISO is approved for Research Tax Credit (CIR).
The research tax credit (CIR) is a fiscal support device for research and development activities of companies. Its aim is to encourage them to develop their research and development activities by providing them with fiscal aid.
The company benefiting from the CIR therefore offers a significant advantage to its customers by allowing them to be reimbursed for part of the services invoiced.